The Scottish Government introduced the National Care Service Bill to Parliament on 20th June 2022.
The National Carer Organisations have a produced a summary of the National Care Service Bill for carers which can be downloaded from here:
National Carer Organisations Briefing on the National Care Service Bill
You can download and read the National Care Service Bill in full along with the explanatory notes, the financial and policy memorandum below:
The National Care Service Bill as it was introduced to the Parliament
Explanatory Notes – an explanation of the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill
Policy Memorandum – why the Bill is being introduced
Financial Memorandum – how much the Bill is likely to cost
Delegated Powers Memorandum – Statement on whether the Bill is within the Parliament’s “legislative competence” (ie if the Parliament has the power to make the changes to the law proposed by the Bill).
Impact Assessments for the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill
Data and Evidence for the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill
The Scottish Government has put together a short paper which sets out the benefits of the National Care Service that can be achieved, through legislation and co-design. The paper also highlights where further evidence gathering and consideration may still be required to help inform future decisions around its design and delivery.
National Care Service: Statement of Benefits
Easy read version of the National Care Service: Statement of Benefits
Audio recording of the National Care Service: Statement of Benefits
BSL version of the National Care Service: Statement of Benefits
Short film about the Vision for a National Care Service
There is a commitment from the Scottish Government to listen to the voices of the real experts as they begin to start shaping a future National Care Service. These real experts are people with lived experience of care services, which includes people accessing care and support, their families and unpaid carers, and the social services workforce and providers.
They will work with people with lived experience to design a National Care Service for everyone.
A short paper about what Co-designing a National Care Service will look like.
Easy read version of the National Care Service: Co-design Paper
BSL version of the National Care Service: Co-design Paper
Audio recording of the National Care Service: Co-design Paper
There are 3 stages that the Bill must go through in the Scottish Parliament.
The National Carer Organisations have produced a handy guide for carers to explain how Law is made in Scotland and to explain the 3 stages that a Bill goes through in Scottish Parliament.
A Guide for Carers – Understanding how law is made in Scotland
The Bill is currently at Stage 1 and the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, (and other Committees) are looking at the details of the proposals in the National Care Service Bill, and considering the responses sent into their recent call for views.
The National Carer Organisations submitted a response to the View for calls which you can read below:
National Carer Organisations’ response to the Call for Views on the National Care Service Bill.