The Highest Risk List – formerly known as the Shielding List – will end on 31 May. 

The decision was taken following a review of clinical evidence by a team of specialist clinicians. The evidence appeared to show that for the vast majority of those on the list, the risk of hospitalisation or death from COVID-19 has been significantly reduced and is no greater than that of the general public.

Support remains in place for those who are immunosuppressed and who may still have some reduced immunity. This group are likely to need general protection from a range of infections in addition to Covid-19.

The Chief Medical Officer will shortly write to everyone on the list to advise them of the change, and sign-post them to ongoing support.

For further information, the Scottish Government has produced:

Guidance for immunosuppressed people

Guidance for people previously at higher risk .

An  evidence review  to support the ending of the ‘highest risk’ list.