ILF Scotland have made changes to the Independent Living Fund to allow more people who receive unpaid care to access it.

The Independent Living Fund (ILF) opened to new applicants on 1 April 2024 to provide additional financial support to disabled people with complex needs to help them live more independently.

Local authorities make applications on behalf of disabled people who must live in Scotland and be aged 16 years or more.

To access ILF, a person must receive social work support or a self-directed support (SDS) of £800 per week or more from their local authority.  

It was recognised that disabled people with significant support needs met through unpaid care may be at a disadvantage because they do not receive £800 of support from their local authority.

In recognition of this, and to acknowledge the importance of this vital unpaid care, local authorities can now apply to ILF on behalf of people with at least £485 of support, if that person receives a significant amount of unpaid care from someone living in the same house as them.


 For more information about the ILF : Who can apply?

Frequently Asked Questions


What is meant by significant care?

Your local authority will determine whether you receive significant support from an unpaid carer. They will consider the support you would likely receive if you were not receiving unpaid care and if this would result in an overall budget of £800 or more each week. They will then confirm to ILF Scotland that you receive a significant amount of unpaid care and that they currently provide you with £485 or more weekly.

Does that mean I will get extra money from my local authority if I have an unpaid carer?

No, the sums are only used to see if you are able to access the Independent Living Fund. Your local authority budget will remain unchanged.

Does my unpaid carer have to live in the same household as me?

Yes, they must live in the same house as you and be providing you with a significant amount of unpaid care.

My unpaid carer doesn’t live in the same house as me. Can I still access the fund?

Unfortunately, not at this time.