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Carers Collaborative

About the Carers Collaborative

The Carers Collaborative is a group for carer representatives on the Integration Joint Boards in Scotland. This group meets four times a year and seeks to:

  • Research the current landscape in relation to Carer Representation on Integration Joint Boards (IJBs)
  • Develop and facilitate a forum for Carer Representatives on IJBs
  • Make recommendations for future work in relation to ongoing support and training of Carer Representatives, and support for local Integration Authorities in relation to our Equal and Expert Best Practice Standards for Carer Engagement.




Equal, Expert and Valued

The Carers Collaborative have produced a series of  reports based on their experiences as IJB Carer Representatives. The reports  identify evidence of effective carer involvement (using the Coalition Equal and Expert best practice standards for carer engagement as a benchmark) and also set out recommendations to enhance future carer involvement on IJBs.


Equal Expert and Valued (2017)

This is the first in a series of reports looking at carer involvement in Integration Joint Boards. It summarises feedback from IJB Carer Representatives and offers positive and constructive insights to help improve carers’ involvement in IJBs.


Equal Expert and Valued- Second Edition (2018)

This follow up report is an update on the 2017 edition and is based on a further year’s research with IJB Carer Representatives. It looks at existing evidence of carer involvement and presents some new resources to improve carer representation at a local level.


Equal Expert and Valued – Three Years On (2019)

This report focuses on carer involvement in IJBs, reflecting on progress against the Equal, Expert and Valued report recommendations from 2017 and 2018.


Equal Expert and Valued – Six Years On (2022)

This the fourth report from the Carers Collaborative, and focuses on the support for IJB carer representatives during the pandemic.


Equal, Expert and Valued – Seven Years On (2023)

Seven years since Integration Joint Boards were set up in Scotland, and this report looks at whether carer involvement has improved for IJB Carer Representatives. It also provides some key recommendations for carer involvement in health and social care integration structures.


More than Equal (2024)

This report brings together the experiences of Carer Representatives and Lived Experience Representatives on IJBs. The report makes some key recommendations on how to better support carer and lived experience representatives on IJBs.


Resources for Carer Representatives

The Carers Collaborative have produced a number of resources and templates which IJBs can use and adapt to better support carer involvement and representation on their Boards.


Carer Representative Role Description

This document summarises the requirements for the role from both the Carers and the IJB’s perspective. It is supported by a detailed appendix which specifies more role details, additional skills and resources required to fulfil the role effectively, and suggestions for tailoring the role description to local circumstances. 


Example – Expense Policy for Carer Representatives

This template can be used and adapted for unpaid carer representatives and their deputies on Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) and associated sub-groups.  (It can also be used for other unpaid representatives on IJBs, such as service users.)


Briefing Paper  – Carer and Equality Impact Assessments

This paper sets out the case for partnerships to include and involve carers in Equality Impact Assessments. It is intended for Health and Social Care Partnerships and other listed authorities who have a legal duty to prepare Equality Impact Assessments.