COCIS Annual General Meeting
‘Voice, Choice and Control’ – What next for SDS and carers
Our AGM and members meeting this year will be online. It is free and open to all carers, and organisations that work with or support carers.
The programme will include
- Information on the new Self-Directed Support Standards and the revised SDS Statutory Guidance
- A carer’s perspective on using their direct payment differently for better support and outcomes
- The Cost of Living Crisis and SDS – Key Asks from the SDS Collective
- A panel discussion on SDS and social care
This will be followed by our Annual General Meeting
Papers for the Meeting
Updates on SDS Standards and Guidance – Presentation by Social Work Scotland
Updates on SDS Standards and Guidance – Video
Carer’s Perspective on using SDS – Video
Cost of Living Crisis and SDS – Presentation by SDS Collective